32 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Pit Shelters AS A Monitoring Device For Outdoor Resting Populations Of Malaria Vector Anopheles Aconitus Donitz

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    Penelitian kepadatan populasi vektor malaria Anopheles aconitus Donitz yang hinggap di luar rumah pada siang hari dengan menggunakan lubang buatan telah dilakukan di Jawa Tengah. Dalam waktu yang bersamaan dilakukan pula penangkapan nyamuk yang hinggap di habitat aslinya (pada tebing sungai, di bawah batu-batuan sepanjang sungai dan pada vegetasi di sepanjang saluran pengairan) untuk perbandingan. Hasil penelitian selama lebih dari dua tahun menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata padat populasi A n. aconitus tiap bulan di lubang buatan (65,60 tiap orang per jam) hampir sama dengan yang di habitat aslinya (60,70 tiap orang per jam). Tetapi fluktuasi padat populasi tiap minggu yang dirata-ratakan tiap bulan tidak ada korelasi yang nyata di antara dua cara penilaian tersebut. Pada musim kemarau padat populasi An. aconitus di lubang buatan adalah tinggi (81,45 tiap orang per jam) dan pada musim hujan adalah rendah (49,70 tiap orang per jam), sedang di habitat aslinya menunjukkan keadaan yang berkebalikan (45,70 tiap orang per jam pada musim kemarau dan 75,70 pada musim hujan). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penangkapan nyamuk di lubang buatan tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengganti penangkapan nyamuk di habitat aslinya, karena hasilnya berlawanan

    Efikasi Kelambu Berinsektisida Permanet “Vestergaard - Frandsen ” yang Digunakan untuk Pemberantasan Malaria di Darah Endemis Bukit Manoreh

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    An efficacy assessment of insecticide impregnated bed nets PermaNet “Vestegaard –Frandsen” effectiveness was conducted in some villages of the malaria endemic areas around theBukit Manoreh (Magelang, Purworejo and Kulonprogo Regency). The nsecticide impregnatedbed nets PermaNet “Vestegard –Frandsen” were distributed on May 2003 and to be evaluated onFebruary 2004. The efficacy assessment was conducted using bioassay method according toWHO standard against wild female Anopheles aconitus from each regency showed thatinsecticide impregnated bed nets PermaNet” Vestegaard –Frandsen” have been used for aboutone year was not effective for controlling mosquitoes (The mortality of An. aconitus < 70%).Bioassay test of new bed net PermaNet “Vestegard –Frandsen” using An. aconitus fromlaboratory koloni revealed 90% mortalit

    A Village-scale Trial of Alphamethrin (Oms-3004) Against the Ddt Resistant Malaria Vector Anopheles Aconitus in Central Java

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    Suatu uji coba tingkat pedesaan insektisida alphamethrin (OMS-3004) telah dilakukan untuk me­nanggulangi vektor malaria Anopheles aconitus. Aplikasi dilakukan dengan penyemprotan seluruh din­ding rumah (total coverage) dosis 100 mg/m2 di daerah kecamatan Boja, kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Te­ngah, pada tahun 1985. An. aconitus di daerah tersebut sudah resisten terhadap DDT. Hasil penilaian dengan parameter nyamuk yangmenggigit orang di dalcan dan di luar rumah, hinggap di kandang pada malam hari, hinggap di dalam dan di luar rumah pada pagi hari, menunjukkan bahwa insektisida ini efektif selama 6-8 minggu. Umur residu (residual effect) efektif (kematian An. aconitus 50%) selama 4 minggu pada permukaan kayu. Pengaruh fumigasi sangat rendah, hanya 8,69% An. aconi­tus mati dua minggu setelah penyemprota

    Analisis Faktor Risiko Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bosnik Kecamatan Biak Timur Kabupaten Biak Numfor Papua Tahun 2006.

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    Background: Biak Regency is one of regencies in Papua with high rate in malaria incidences, average clinical malaria rate is 48,677 cases in a year, with its Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) average of 395,880/00 per year. The working Area of Bosnik Community Health Centre constitutes endemic region as the highest HIA (High Incidence Area), its average AMI's rate of 395,88 0/00, which is far above national rate (31,090/00). This research has purpose to analyze malaria incidences on Working Area Bosnik Community Health Centre, Biak Numfor regency of Papua Province. Methods: Type of this research was on observational with case control approach. Case group were people whom positively suffer tropical malaria, which signed by results of blood examination positive with contain Plasmodium falciparum, while control group are they who were not suffer malaria disease signed by such results on his blood examination negative with contain Plasmodium falciparum. Control selected according to several criteria such sex, age, or no more three years in difference. Result: Results showed, the risk factor upon malaria incidences were the lower education with OR value = 4,28(95%CI=0,981 - 18,721), impermanent floor construction, OR value = 5,182 (95%CI = 1,183 - 22,238), ceiling house existed (protective factor) ) OR value = 0,696 (95%CI = 0,531-0,912), water puddle around their residences OR value = 3,683(95%CI=1,062-12,711), custom to take no mosquito-net OR value = 5,182 (95%CI=1,339-20,058), custom to take hang clothes insides home OR value = 16,923 (95%CI=1,938-147,767), disobedience to take administer his or her medicines OR value = 5,182 (95%CI=1,339-20,058), go outside in night time custom OR value = 4,680(95%CI=1,290-16,983). Conclusion: It requires such monitoring and evaluating about spraying and mosquito-net distribution. Monitoring requires take places to inform the necessity for using the mosquito-net, obediences to take medicine, their residences environment sanitation particularly about water puddle, and avoiding stay outside at night

    Fauna Anopheles di Daerah Endemis Malaria Kabupaten Jepara Jawa Tengah

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    During the operational - scale field trials for malaria vector control in Jepara regency, an intensive mosquito collection was carried out in 8 villages of 5 subdistrict, 1983-1986. The mosquito collections consisted of landing on man indoor and outdoor, night resting in cattle shelters, daytime resting indoor and outdoor. Ten Anopheles spp. i.e. Anopheles aconitus, An. annularis, An. barbirostris, An. indefinitus, An. subpictus, An. tesselatus, An. minimus and An. vagus were caught. Among these mosquito, An. aconitus as the main malaria vector was caught predominantly landing on man and resting outdoor, followed by An. vagus. Other species were caught in small numbers

    Efektivitas "Permethrin Impregnated Cloth" untuk Pengendalian Aedes Aegypti di Daerah Perkotaan

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    Study results obtained by the use of permethrin impregnated cloths against the dengue haemorrhagic fever vector Aedes aegypti (L) are reported and discussed. Field trials were carried out in sub-district of Ungaran, Semarang regency. Houses were provided with cloths made of 65 % polyester fiber 35% combed cotton, brown colour impregnated with permethrin 25%EC with a dosage of 0.40 ga.i./m2 installed on the wall close to resting or breeding places of Ae. aegypti in the houses. Entomological data collected during the period 1987 - 88 showed residual permethrin activity for about 1 to 2 months and population density of Ae. aegypti indoor was slightly decreased

    Pengaruh "Icon Impregnated Cloth" Terhadap Populasi Aedes Aegypti Di Daerah Perkotaan

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    An investigation to study the effect of ICON Impregnated Cloth on Aedes aegypty population in a semi wban area was conducted at Mapagan housing estate, Ungaran subdistrict, Semarang regency. Each house was provided with a cloth made from 65% polyester fibre and 35% combed cotton, 115 x 200 cm in size. This cloth was impregnated with Icon at a dosage of 0,04 g a,i.lm and installed on the wall of dark, undisturbed area of bedroom, closest to mosquito breeding place. The entomological evaluation of indoor resting mosquitoes showed a significant reduction in the treated area during 2-3 months follow up whereas other parameters showed only a slight reduction, and was not significant compared to the control area